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Malaysia claimed Indonesian culture

5:10 PM, Posted by Hari, 13 Comments

Malaysia's claim over Pendet known as Balinese culture back adds a long list of neighboring countries claim that the assets of Indonesia's cultural richness.

Malaysia attitude who kept claiming Indonesian culture because they do not specifically assessed the Government of Indonesia. Vice Chairman of the House Defense Commission Yusron Ihza Mahendra said, this time the government should be tough.

"The House deeply regrets the attitude of Malaysia, who again occupied the Indonesian culture for commercial purposes. It happened repeatedly. We'll see, this sort of thing is not feasible and not praiseworthy. The government should take firm action," said Yusron told reporters Monday (24 / 8) at the Parliament Building, Jakarta.

Assertion is not only through diplomatic notes. According to Yusron, the government can be even harder to attract Indonesian Ambassador in Malaysia. "Or vice versa, the Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia told to return to his country. If not firm, will continue to repeat this Malaysian attitude," he said.

Political measures against this problem is seen to be more effective than taking legal steps. If the government could be firm, according to Yusron, Malaysia will be more respect for Indonesia.

"Actually, Malaysia knew what he was doing was not unfounded. Only, the government did not expressly so that they dare. From the parliament, we would urge the government to take decisive action to Malaysia," said the Crescent Star Party politician is.

In this week, the Defense Commission will hold a meeting with the line Ministry of Political, Legal, and Security. The problem with Malaysia will be one of the discussion material


Krisna @ August 25, 2009 at 5:29 PM

Saya Ikut dukung...................

jaiman @ August 25, 2009 at 5:42 PM

apa mungkin mereka gak punya budaya sendiri yach??? koq ngeclaim terus2an....

Maspri @ August 25, 2009 at 9:20 PM

Malaysia anggap kita bangsa indon. Istilah mereka untuk orang indonesia yang rendahan.

pakto @ August 25, 2009 at 9:45 PM

sy dukung mas cuman masa mas suruh download upin dan upil gak fair dong kita boikot dong

Hari @ August 25, 2009 at 10:06 PM

@Kang pakto kancuma melihat saja

suzhu BITES @ August 26, 2009 at 11:27 AM

ayo dunk pemerintah lakukan tindakan yg tegas!! boikot produk ma kerja sama bareng mereka, soalnya mereka dh keterlaluan!!! negara miskin gag punya budaya, tukang bohong

Wildan Arief @ August 29, 2009 at 8:47 PM

sepertinya ada pihak ketiga dibalik semua ini....

indonesia @ October 11, 2009 at 6:49 PM

ikut dukung juga

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